Chrysoprase Meaning: Metaphysical Properties & Uses

Chrysoprase comes in wonderful shades of bright apple green and lemon. It was said by the ancients to promote a love of truth, and is hailed by mystics of the new age as a stone of belonging. It is believed to promote a sense of integration and connectedness to the whole of creation.

Chrysoprase promotes hope and gives personal insights. It stimulates creativity and encourages the expression of hidden talents. It is said to encourage fidelity in partnerships, both business and personal and to reveal your innermost strengths when used in meditation. It shows you the infinite amount of resources you already have, even if you were not previously aware of them.
Metaphysical Qualities
One of the attributes of Chrysoprase, in the metaphysical world, is to bring the Universal Energy that is all around us into our physical bodies. Physically, Chrysoprase is believed to have a strong detoxifying effect on the internal systems of the body.
Psychologically, Chrysoprase helps with issues of the ego. It encourages an openness to new ideas and ideas and allows the ego to remain calm and quiet when we need to learn new things. It you have suffered from the effects of ego-based decisions in the past, try carrying a piece of Chrysoprase with you when you embark on a new way of being or behaving. It helps in overcoming obsessive or compulsive thoughts and actions, and turns your attention to the positive events and actions in your life. Chrysoprase is a good aid to overcoming self-criticism and self- judgment, bringing in forgiveness and understanding and allowing you to treat yourself with the care and respect you deserve.
Mentally, Chrysoprase is believed to stimulate fluency in communication, and to deter you from speaking out unthinkingly from anger. It improves mental dexterity when called upon to help in decision making, and is said to prevent nightmares caused by recurrent, oppressive images.
The cheerful shades of yellow and green exhibited by this stone act in the same way as Peridot, lifting the spirits, promoting joy and allowing us to feel the energy, hope and vitality of springtime.
Uses for Chrysoprase
This crystal resonates with the Sacral chakra and can be called upon to heal both emotional and physical scarring around issues of sexuality and sexual practices, bladder and urinary tract infections and feelings of lethargy or even depression. The Sacral chakra in the center of creativity, both in the physical sense of creating new life but also in the realms of creative projects and ideas. Writer’s block can be freed by activating, cleansing and clearing the Sacral chakra with Chrysoprase, and it is equally useful in other creative endeavors, from baking cakes to producing art and music.
Place a piece of Chrysoprase in the area where you do your work or hobbies to clear negative vibrations from the atmosphere and cleanse the air of stagnant energies and old thought patterns.
Setting your intentions into Chrysoprase Beads and wearing them in handmade jewelry is a great way to take advantage of the energy, and serves as continual reminder of your self promise.
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