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The Meaning and Benefits of Moonstones

The Meaning and Benefits of Moonstones

There is something truly magical about Moonstone. It has the ability to catch the light and reflect it back to you as if it were a moving, living being. Moonstones can be found in many different colors, each one having slightly different metaphysical applications and properties.

The milky, white and cream variety of Moonstone is a stone of hope and of new beginnings. As its name indicates, it has a strong affinity with the Moon and with our creative, intuitive natures. It reminds us that, just as the moon waxes and wanes regularly, so do our situations and fortunes. It promotes and encourages acceptance and gives us the ability to see beyond the confines of the present situation so that we are more able to find constructive and perceptive solutions to our challenges.

White Moonstone

White Moonstone Cube Beads

Psychologically, white moonstone can help calm overreactions to emotional triggers. It brings in the vibration of passive, feminine energy which acts as a foil to any hot tempered or irrational behaviors. It is excellent for balancing Yin and Yang energies within the meridian and chakra systems of the energy body.

This crystal also enhances and improves emotional intelligence. Used at the Solar Plexus, it draws out unconscious behaviors or thought patterns that need to be transformed for your highest good. This stone promotes deep emotional healing and dissolves negativity and blockages in the auric field and the layers of the etheric body.

Moonstone has traditionally been used to encourage the development of our latent psychic gifts, particularly clairvoyance. It soothes the emotions and brings a sense of calm and tranquility to over anxious minds, and provides a good antidote to stress. Used in meditation Moonstone can help you to form a stronger connection to your spiritual and angelic guides and to uncover the true nature of your soul and your purpose here on earth.

In addition to these attributes, the different colored varieties of Moonstones have their own beneficial effects on the emotions and the spirit.

Rainbow Moonstone

Rondelle Faceted Moonstone Beads

Rainbow Moonstone has a particularly beneficial vibration for connecting you to the healing energies of Mother Earth and Nature. It helps to ground you to the earth and to ease emotional trauma. It also provides protection from negative vibrations, thoughts and energies that may penetrate your auric field.

Gray Moonstone

Grey Moonstone Chips

Gray Moonstone is the stone to turn to when you want to pierce the veil between our physical reality and our spiritual potential. It is a good companion for clairvoyants and shamans. It facilities the movement into the unseen realms and can raise awareness of the vastness of our own potential.

Peach Moonstone

Peach Moonstone Beads

Peach Moonstone shares many qualities with Yellow Moonstone. It soothes worries, eases anxiety and generally brings out the best in everyone. It has a very loving, supportive and nurturing vibration that brings comfort and emotional support to children especially.

Blue Moonstone

Blue Moonstone helps to maintain mental clarity and to open and activate the Third Eye chakra. It is useful in meditation when you want to stay focused on your inner wisdom and vision. It also promotes a heightened state of self-awareness, allowing us to see our own emotional patterns and to learn from our life lessons.

Final Words

Moonstone has traditionally been used to encourage the development of our latent psychic gifts, particularly clairvoyance. It soothes the emotions and brings a sense of calm and tranquility to over anxious minds, and provides a good antidote to stress. Used in meditation Moonstone can help you to form a stronger connection to your spiritual and angelic guides and to uncover the true nature of your soul and your purpose here on earth.

 **Gemstone metaphysical and healing property statements are for entertainment purposes only and do not substitute for professional medical advice. Consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you are seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Tejas Beads does not guarantee the accuracy or validity of these statements.

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  • Mar 24, 2021

    Great! Felicitaciones me facina

    — Ingrid Hoffens Lantz

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